This carrd is for people who want to educate themselves on Fictionkin and this is also a carrd for me to keep track on my ownThis cards will contain summarized history of fictionkin and the definition, also some terminologyBETTER IN MOBILE
Definition: fictionkin is a connection, often spiritual, with a fictional character or species deep enough to identify as them. Fictionkin can be spiritual or psychological (or both)fictionkin often believe that they are/were a fictional character or species either now or in a past life. the multiverse theory is often used to rationalize this, but not always.
Fictionkin can also be used as a coping mechanism but fictionkin isn’t the right word for it, the right word for this is copinglink. Not all spiritual fictionkins deal with the past life part, it’s just common-> it is best to ask the person who’s fictionkin in what way their identity is.Fictionkin is sometimes shortened as Fickin, Fic!kin, or Fictkin.Fictionkin is an identity AS not WITH[Credits for fickinhelp on tumblr for the definition; this is a copy and paste of the definition but with a few changes]
History summarized:

Clearing Up a Few Things:
•You don’t have to a be fan of your media•You can have multiple fictionkins wether or not they’re from the same media, including comfort characters•Do NOT use the word fictionkin for relating to a character, its offensive and can cause misinformation to be spread. Same goes for using fictionkin terminology, if you just relate to the character do not use it!•The incorrect way to use the word fictionkin is ‘Fictionkinning’ or ‘Fictionkinnie’•Kinnie is an insult towards fictionkins but it will NEVER be a slur; keep in mind each fictionkin is different with being comfortable with this word•You can have multiple IDs but if you consider each one of your fictotypes as IDs then its possible you’re also a heavy fictionkin
Kinshift- Whichever fictotype you feel the most at the momentco-shift- Feeling multiple Kinshifts at once (The short way to say/type co-shift cs)Permashift- A Kinshift that lasts for more than a couple hours or days. (The short way to say/type permashift is ps)perma-co: a co-shift thats also a permashift (I conjoined this term/made this word)Cameo shift- Where someone experiences a shift that is NOT their fictotype(s) these can go away by time if not i suggest looking into itFictionflicker- A fictionflicker is an identity that is not stable or solid, the connection as the character is like up and down for exp: You could have the identity off and on. Personally I am not a fictionflicker so I don’t have knowledge on this terminology it’s best to ask someone who is a Fictionflicker on how they experience itFictotype/Kintype- Someone’s Fictionkin identity(s)ID- Whichever fictionkins you feel the most connected to or whichever lives you feel more connected to
Similar type(s)/Same type(s)- Similar type(s)/Same type(s) is someone who shares the same fictionkin(s)/fictotypes as you [its okay to be alright with same types and its also to not be okay with them]Mediamate- A mediamate is someone who shares the same media as you!
Fictionkin Terminology 2
There are many different types of shifts but some fictionkins may not want to use these terms and it should not be forced upon(THERIOTYPE IS A THERIAN TERM! THE REASON WHY THE WORD IS HERE EVEN THOUGH THIS IS A FICTIONKIN CARRD IS BECAUSE ITS A COPY AND PASTE)
(M)ental Shift - A shift in which a shifter takes on the mentality of their theriotype(s)/kintype(s).(D)ream Shift - A shift in which a shifter shifts into their theriotype or kintype while dreaming.(Ph)antom Shift - A shift in which a shifter feels a “phantom limb” sensation.“; For example, the shifter may feel ears and a tail, or paws instead of hands.©ameo Shift - A shift into a being that is not the shifter’s theriotype or kintype.(S)pirtual Shift - This is a rather vague term to describe any sort of shift with a spiritual undertone. It most frequently refers to when a shifer’s Aura, Astral body, or spiritual self takes the shape of their theriotype or kintype.(Se)nsory Shift - A shift in which the shifter experiences a state of perceived heightened or reduced sense of awareness often in-line with their theriotype or kintype; eg. wolves may claim better sense of smell, etc. This type of shifting relies on perception of information, as it is not possible to smell, see, hear, and so forth beyond what is humanly possible.(A)ura Shift - A shift where a shifter’s Aura (specifically) takes the shape of their theriotype or kintype.(Bi)location Shift - A shift in which the shifter’s theriotype or kintype leaves their “human” body and materializes elsewhere; It is very similar to an “out of body experience”, but instead of the “spirit body” being the human body, it is the body of the theriotype or kintype of the shifter.(As)tral Shift - A shift that takes place in the astral plane. It is commonly used to refer to shifting which takes place during Astral projection.(Be)serker Shift - A shift in which the shifter loses control of themselves and begins to act more like their kintype than human. This type of shift could be an extreme mental shift, or any shift combined with a manifestation of mental illness. The general community consensus is that these types of shifts are extremely unhealthy.(F)aint kinshift- A kinshift that feels faint, you’re still in a shift but it just feels faint(P)hysical Shift - When one physically shifts into their theriotype or kintype. It is scientifically impossible to P-Shift.
Before scrolling if you aren’t comfortable with reality checking at the moment i suggest ignoring the definition of D/A aka IRL the rest is okay though./srsThe Difference between an IRL/Delusional Attachment, Fictive, and Fictionkin
Fictive: Fictional introjects, also called fictives, are alters in a DIDOSDD system that are based off of fictional people or characters; Many Fictives don’t act like how they do from their source. DIDOSDD are dissociative trauma disorders and Fictionkin is NOT.
IRL/Delusional Attachment: An Irl or also known as D/A, short for Delusional Attachment is a term for people who have psychosis that THINK their somebody else wether it’s fictional or not. It is harmful to feed into delusions and should not be encouraged and delusions have to be taken seriously. While reality checking is important for these people do NOT just go out and reality check people that did NOT ask for it. Psychosis is a reality disorder and Fictionkin is NOT.
Fictionkin: Fictionkin is often a spiritual belief where the person believes they were/are that fictional character in the past or now; Sometimes they have psychological reasoning for being fictionkin. Some but not all Fictionkin identify as human.Keep In mind that anyone can be fictionkin including alters in systems no matter what type of alter they are<3*Always remember YOU ARE VALID! (unless you’re problematic)